
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Special Thank you to Idaho Watersports

I have to write a fast thank you to all the wonderful staff at Idaho Watersports. Because of all their sacrifices, Jason has been able to be home over the past week. His help is so vital! Not only do I need him, but the boys need their dad. I spend most of my time by Ashley's side, so I don't get time with the boys. I was so worried about them. Jason stepped right up. He played with them. He fussed over them. He helped me with dishes, laundry, vaccuuming, and entertaining family and friends. He went shopping for me when I wasn't able. He fixed food when I couldn't. He has been so kind to listen to me when I need it, let me cry when I can't hold the tears back any more. When he is home, I feel calm. Ashley feels calm. I know he treasures every moment he has to spend with Ashley. We treasure the time we get with him. (0: Right now, that is where his heart is. At home, with us.

So thank you all for making it possible for him to be home!!! I know it hasn't been easy. You are all the angels we needed this past week. Much love to you! May you be blessed for giving so much to our family!!

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